The DMI Energy Group specializes in the diagnosis and maintenance of high-power electrical equipment.
World leader in its field, DMI Energy has been offering its customers unparalleled expertise for over 15 years: power plants, mining, refineries and other major industries in North America and Europe.
Our mission is to inspire confidence in the performance of power equipment (HV / MV), which is essential in the energy distribution and transmission network but also in company production lines.
- DMI Energy offers a range of innovative tests and solutions to determine the reliability of transformers for all power and voltage ranges.
- Rotating machinery (motors and generators) are the DNA of DMI Energy. Their reliability is a major issue for production. Specific tests and solutions are implemented by our experts to meet this challenge and meet the most stringent requirements of the industry.
- HV cables are a major component and failure of such cables can result in significant replacement costs and production stoppages. Through non-destructive testing and accurate diagnosis, the DMI team can accurately determine the aging condition of the insulation in the cables.
- Experts at DMI Energy have an average level of experience of more than 25 years in rotating machines and excitation systems. We make this expertise and skills available to our clients for advice and supervision of maintenance work.
BECAUSE, the preventive diagnosis of failures is a major issue for the industry but also for the environment, DMI Energy runs an R & D and Innovation policy in strong synergy with internationally renowned academic partners in research.
- The DMI power laboratory allows our engineers to continue to better understand the aging mechanisms of insulators through experimentation, modeling and simulation. This experimental R & D is essential to offer cutting-edge expertise adapted to the demanding needs of our customers.
- Each year, DMI Energy participates in exchanges with professionals in the sector through events such as those of the IEEE, CIGRE, or POWERGEN.
Our agencies
500 Place d'Armes #1800
Montréal, H2Y 2W2
Téléphone : +1 438 259 3300
1255 avenue Maguire
Québec, G1T 1Z2
Téléphone : +1 418 683 3737
15 chemin de la Crabe
31300 Toulouse
Téléphone : +1 +33 (0)5 82 95 69 17